Postural Therapy


When trapped in chronic pain, it can seem like you’ll never feel better and be able to live the life you want—especially if you’ve tried other therapies and drug-based treatments that only worked temporarily or not at all. To feel better, you need to focus on the source of your pain.


While most chronic pain treatment methods only address symptoms or try to deaden or mask pain, Egoscue corrects the postural issues that are at the root of your ongoing discomfort. Thousands of people just like you have ditched the pills, found an alternative to surgery, and finally feel better for good.


Welcome to The Egoscue Method.

Egoscue Method Eliminates:

  • Back pain
  • Hip pain
  • Knee pain
  • Ankle pain
  • Shoulder, elbow and wrist pain
  • Migraines
  • Platar fasciitis
  • Jaw pain


You may be surprised to learn that postural imbalances could be at the root of your chronic pain.

What Is The Egoscue Method?

The Egoscue Method is a form of postural therapy used to eliminate chronic pain and increases functional mobility. Your therapist will create a sequence of gentle exercises and stretches specifically designed to correct posture. When done consistently—with regular input and updates—this personalised routine becomes your plan for success.

What Postural Therapy Can Do For You

Your pain exists because your body is out of balance. It could be the result of an old injury, hours of sitting behind a desk or the wheel of a car, repetitive use injuries from exercise or work, or simply a postural dysfunction such as scoliosis. All of the can knock your body out of perfect alignment, causing pain, sleeping troubles and limitations. The Egoscue Method combines our therapists’ expertise with technology to assess your posture and create a personalised series of exercises that will put your body back into balance, eliminating the dysfunction that is causing your pain.


Ian McLennan is fully certified to use and practice the Egoscue method of treatment. His expert support and application is transforming how people approach the healing process for chronic pain.


Get in contact today to learn more and book your session!